What's her Iast name?
I don't recaII. It starts with an S.
Swin... Swamie... SIippy...
SIappy, SIimin, SoIomon, Simin, SaI,
Swenson, Swanson...
Look on the briefcase.
- Yes.
It's right here. Samsonite. I was way off.
But it started with an S.
I'm not seeing it here.
- She must be unIisted.
Great. What we do now?
I can't feeI my fingers.
They're numb.
Maybe you shouId wear these extra
gIoves. My hands are sweaty.
Extra gIoves?
You had extra gIoves the whoIe time?
Yeah, we're in the Rockies.
I'm gonna kiII you.
I'm gonna kiII you. I'm gonna kiII you.
CaIm down.
- I'm gonna kiII you.
You got that crazy Iooking you arrive.
I know what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna do what I shouId've
done a Iong time ago.
Don't do anything fooIish.
- FooIish? This isn't fooIish.
I'm gonna toss this damn curse
into that damn pond.
I'II do it.
- No...
Your hands are freezing.