Ed Wood

Wipe offyour hands.
- I finished my script.
- [ Gasps ] Oh!

Ed, I'm so proud ofyou!
I'll read it as soon
as I get home.

Well, I'd really like
to know what you think.

Why don't you go in the bedroom
and take a look?. I'll wait.

Go ahead.
Take your time.
So that's where
my sweater's been.

How long have you
been doing this?.

Since I was a kid.
My mom wanted a girl, so she
used to dress me in girlie clothing.

Just became a habit.
Jesus Christ!
And you never told me?.

Well, this is my way
of telling you.

What, by putting it in a fucking script
for everyone to see?.

What kind of sick mind
operates like that?.

And what about this, this
so-called Barbara character...

that's obviously me?.
I mean, this is our life.
It's so embarrassing!

- Of course it is. That's why
you should play the part.
- Oh, you got nerve, buddy.

- It's a darn good role.
- That's not the issue!

God, how can you act so casual
when you're dressed like that?.

It makes me feel comfortable.
Oh, just like in the script.
