Ed Wood

It's about this guy, he's crazy about
this girl, but he likes to wear dresses.

Should he tell her?. Should he not
tell her?. He's torn. This is drama!

Fine! Shoot whatever
baloney you want.

Just make sure
it's seven reels long.

Ex.cuse me. Can I get
evetyone's attention, please?

Couldyou gather around?
I've got something to say.
Everybody, we're about to embark on
quite a journey: four days of hard work.

But when it's over, we'll have a picture
that'll entertain, enlighten...

and maybe even move
millions ofipeople.

Excuse me, Eddie. I don't mean to
interrupt. I'm worried about the light.

Good thinking. All right, we'll talk
about days three and four later.

Let's get that first shot off. Scene 1 7,
Glenda looking in the window.

- [ Camera Whirring]
- [Ed]And... action!

[ Sighs ]
And... cut!

- Print that! Let's move on!
- Don't you want a second take
for protection?.

What's to protect?.
It was perfect! Come on!

Hey! Cops!
We don't have a permit.

[ Groaning ]
Come on.
Let's go.

- [ Weiss ] What's going on
with these revised pages?
- [Man ] Mr Lugosi's here.

Oh, my God!
Mr Lugosi's here!


Everyone, come on.
Come in here.

When he walks onto the stage,
treat him normal.

I know Bela Lugosi's a world-famous star
and you're all very excited...

but look,
we are professionals.

So, just treat him with respect.
Everything will be all right.
