Screen Classics?.
No, I don't know them.
There's something
you should know.
Nobody in town has seen this
picture, so I'm giving you
first crack at my talents.
And I'm anxious to see it.
[ Sighs ]
So, what's up next
I don't believe in thinking
small, so I've got a whole slate
of pictures foryou.
You ready?
""The Vampire's Tomb."
""The Ghoul Goes West."
""Doctor Acula."
Doctor Acula?.
I don't get it.
Oh, I get it.
I don't like it.
But it'll star Bela Lugosi.
[ Chuckles ] Bela Lugosi?. Lugosi's
all washed-up. What else you got?.
Well, I-I do have...
another project.
I wasn't going to
tell you about it.
Lugosi's in it,
but it's a small part.
The lead is an ingenue.
A sterling, young actress--
Dolores Fuller.
The title of the film:
""Bride OfThe Atom"!
Atomic age stuff, huh?.
I like it.
I like it.
I tell you what, Mr Ward. Why don't
you leave your film cans with me.
And my associates and I will
take a look at your little opus...
and maybe we can do
some business together.
Takke care.
Pull the string!
Pull the string!
What the hell is this?.
- Is this an actual movie?.
- It can't be!
[Narrator] Give this man satin undies,
a dress, sweater and skkirt...