- [ Continues ]
- And bingo! Thank you,
thank you, thankyou.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Bring me two more Beefeater martinis.
Ed, uh, another whisky.
Dagmar, a rum and coke?.
Moustapha and King are Chablis.
Bela, would you like a wine?.
I never drink... wine.
[ Laughing ]
Say, Cris, how'd you know we'd be
living on Mars by 1 970?.
- I guessed.
- Really?.
I made it up.
It's horse shit.
Eddie, there's no such thing
as a psychic.
People believe my folderol
because I wear a black tuxedo.
- It's that easy?.
- Eddie, we're in show biz.
It's all about razzle-dazzle,
Ifyou look good and you talk well,
people will swallow anything.
We are going to have the most terrifying
monster ever seen on film.
A ghastly creature created
from an atomic mutation!
I don't like
scary movies.
I like the ones
with love stories.
That's just what this movie is:
a heartbreaking romance.
You're quite a specimen.
- And you're going to be in the picture?.
- Yeah. I play Lobo.
I predict Bride OfiTheAtom will be
the biggest moneymaker of all time.
And this is lovely starlet Dolores
Fuller, who will playJanet Lawton.
My pleasure, ma'am. Now,
how much will this picture cost?.
Well, in a normal studio it'd be
about a million bucks...
with all their wasteful overhead
and fancy offices.
But we're more efficient, so we could
bring it in at about 70 grand.
Oh. Well, I shall
certainly consider it.
- [ Ed ] Well, goodbye.
- [ Man ] Good night, Ed. Keep in touch.
Well, Eddie, how'd we do?.