Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

Keep the airways open
is what I know.

- What do you mean?
- Keep the airways... this...

Just take a nice seat, honey.
Take a seat.

- Is this right?
- That's fine, that's fine.

You want a drink?
- Hey! You want a drink?
- Thank you.

There, that ought to beat them
bronchial buggers into submission.

I was a medic in the army.
Thank you.
I really should have gone into
medicine instead of publishing.

Sometimes though...
I think pushing books
is a lot like pushing medicine.

Think of books as pills.
And I have pills
to cure ignorance,

pills to cure boredom...
pills to elevate moods,
and pills to open people's eyes
to the awful truth.

Too bad they don't have a pill
for bullshit, is what I say.

So, where do you live,
Ms. Hankshaw?

I'm staying
with the Countess.

I know.
But uh... where do you live
when... you're not in New York?

- I don't.
- You don't?

I mean, I don't live
anywhere in particular.

I just keep movin'.
the traveler, eh?
Well, you might
call it that...

but I don't really
think of it as traveling.

Well, what do you
"think of it" as, then?

How unusual.
