Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

I don't know
how to polka.

Me neither.
Personally I prefer
Stevie Wonder or Tony Bennett,

but what the hell?
Those cowgirls are always
complaining and bitching

about there's only
"one station in the area

and all it does
is ever play polkas."

Well, I say you can
dance to anything

as long as you
feel like dancing.

I pledge to you tonight
from this office

that I will do everything
in my power to ensure

that the guilty are
brought to justice

and that such abuses are purged
from our political processes,

in the years to come
long after I have left this office.

Some people...
the earth is alive.
She burns from the heat
of eternal cosmic longing.
- She longs for her mate.
- Hm.

She groans, she moans...
she turns softly
in her sleep.

I love those cowgirls.
I just can't be a party to their...
utopian dreaming.
