Four hundred years and it ain't enough
Suckers still trying to take our stuff
Stealing it, swiping it, ripping it, biting it
they can't grow it, so punks try to heist it
We ain't down with that, no
Got to look out for the black
When they start going for the family jewels
Protect that gear by whatever tools
Cup your hand, cover up
N.W.H. say grab your stuff!
Grab it! You gotta grab it! Grab it!
Shit, my dick!
My dick!
God, my dick!
Where you're going, boy,
you should grab your ass!
My dick!
Oh, my dick!
This was the first
of N.W.H.'s several brushes...
with the law regarding censorship.
I caught up with the group
again on the road.
Now, your new album is
N.W.H. Fear of a Black Hat.
Right. But that shit was supposed to be
N.W.H. Fear of a Black Hat...
then su btitled,
" Don't Shoot Until You See the Whites."
-Of their eyes?
-Whose eyes?
Don't shoot until you see
the whites of their eyes.
No, just don't shoot until
you see the whites, period.
That's it. End of story.
You know what I'm saying?
But the record company,
they dogged us out.
-They didn't let us put it on there.
-We should've bust a cap in their ass.
See, they always trying to censor our shit.
For instance, with the song Kill Whitey.
No, that shit was
a whole big misunderstanding, there.
They took the whole thing out of context.
They was trying to say that
we was advocating killing white people.
Do I look like the kind of person
who could kill...
a whole bunch of white motherfuckers?
I mean, you know, given a reason.
But not on a humbug.
Well, in the song lyrics, and I'm quoting:
"He'll rip you off, he'll take your money,
make you work for free.
"Though you might scoff,
it isn't funny, he's the devil, see.