Forrest Gump

All right.
What are y'all staring at?
Haven't you ever seen
a little boy with braces
on his legs before ?

Don't ever let anybody
tell you they're better
than you, Forrest.

If God intended everybody
to be the same,

he'd have given us all
braces on our legs.

Mama always hada way of explaining
things so I could understand them.

We lived about a quarter mile
off Route 17,

about a halfmile from the town
of Greenbow, Alabama.

That's in the county
of Greenbow.

Our house had been
in Mama's family

since her grandpa's
grandpa's grandpa

had come across the ocean
about a thousand years ago.

Since it was just me and Mama
and we had all these empty rooms,
Mama decided to let those rooms out,
mostly to people passing through,
Iike from, oh, Mobile,
Montgomery, places like that.

That'show me and Mama got money.
Mama was a real smart lady.
Remember what I told you, Forrest.
You're no different
than anybody else is.

Did you hear
what I said, Forrest?

You're the same
as everybody else.

You are no different.
Your boy's...different,
Mrs. Gump.

His I.Q is 75.
Well, we're all different,
Mr. Hancock.
She wan ted me to have
the finest education

so she to ok me to
the Greenbow County Central School.

I met the principal and all.
I want to show you something,
Mrs. Gump.

Now, this is normal.
Forrest is right here .
The state require s
a minimum I.Q of 80

to attend public school.
Mrs. Gump,
he's going to have to
go to a special school.

Now, he'll bejust fine.
What does normal mean anyway ?
He might be...
