Forrest Gump

# To everything,
turn, turn, turn #

# There is a season,
turn, turn, turn #

# And a time to every purpose #
# Under heaven ##
And just like that,
she was gone
out of my life again.

That's one small step for man,
one giant leap for mankind.
I thought I was
going back to Vietnam,

but instead they decided
the best way for me
to fight the Communists

was to play Ping-Pong,
so I was in the special Services,
traveling around the country,
cheering up wounded veterans
and showing'em

how to play Ping-Pong.
I was so good
that some years later,

the army decided I should be
on the all-American Ping-Pong team.
We were the first Americans
to visit the land of China

in a million years or something.
Somebody said world peace
was in our hands,

but all I did was play Ping-Pong.
When I got home,
I was a national celebrity ,

famouser even
than Captain Kangaroo.

Here he is, Forrest Gump.
Right here.
Gump, have a seat.
Forrest Gump, John Lennon.
Welcome home.
Can you tell us, um,
what was China like ?
In the land of China...
people hardly got nothin'at all.
No possessions?
