Odd decision.
- Hi.
- Hi.
In the end there wasn't room for all of us.
You said it was a castle.
Yes, it is a castle.
It's just a very, very small one.
Tiny, in fact.
Just one up, one down, which is rare.
Drink, sir?
Yeah. I'd like a glass of whisky, please.
- Do you want...?
- Yeah, sounds good.
- Another for the lady.
- Doubles, sir?
You here, too? How are you?
- Hello. I'm fine.
- Haven't seen Carrie, have you?
- Who?
- Carrie. American girl. Lovely legs.
Wedding guest. Nice smell.
- No. Sorry.
- Damn!
Blast! I think I was in there.
If you do see her,
could you tell her l've gone to my room?
- Your whisky, sir.
- Thank you.
- And one for the...
- Road. Lovely.
I think I might have one of those.
Do you mind if I join you?
- No. It'd be lovely.
- Another glass of whisky and a cigar.
Hold on. Make that a bottle.
We might as well settle in, eh?
Let's see if we can push on till dawn.