Let us pray.
Father, you have made
the bond of marriage a holy mystery,
a symbol of Christ's love for his church.
Hear our prayers for Bernard and Lydia
through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Goat...
One God, for ever and ever.
It's his first time. He's a family friend.
Bernard and Lydia,
I shall now ask if you freely undertake
the obligations of marriage.
Bernard, repeat after me.
- I do solemnly declare...
- I do solemnly declare...
that I know not
of any lawful impediment...
that I know not
of any lawful impediment...
why l, Lydia...
why l, Bernard...
why l, Bernard Godfrey
Saint John Delaney,...
why l, Bernard Geoffrey
St John Delaney,...
may not be joined in matrimony
to Lydia John Hibbott.
may not be joined in matrimony
to Lydia Jane Hibbott.
Lydia, repeat after me.
- I do solemnly declare...
- I do solemnly declare...
that I know not
of any lawful impediment...
that I know not
of any lawful impediment...
why l, Lydia Jane Hibbott,...
why l, Lydia Jane Hibbott,...
may not be johned in matrimony...
may not be joined in matrimony...