Oh, my God!
- Hi.
- Hello. I'm Alistair.
- I believe you know Veronica.
- Yeah. Hi, Vee. Hi.
Tell me, are you married?
- Are you a lesbian?
- Good Lord!
What made you say that?
It's one of the possibilities
for unmarried girls.
It is a bit more interesting than saying
'just never found the right chap'.
- Quite right. Why be dull?
- Thank you.
The truth is, I have met the right person,
only he's not in love with me.
And until I stop loving him
no one else stands a chance.
- Bad luck.
- Yes, isn't it?
I was a lesbian once at school,
but only for 1 5 minutes.
I don't think it counts.
There are 400 different kinds of tea,
and that's not including
all these so-called fruit teas.
I took Veronica out to lndia at Christmas
to look at the plantations.
- You and her went there once.
- That's right.
Charles was vile. He insisted on
cracking jokes all the time I was ill.
- Trying to cheer you up.
- You're that Veronica!
Which Veronica? Charlie?
- Remember Bombay?
- When Charles and I were going out,
he told me he'd had this
interesting journey round lndia