
I-I-I check for you.
I-I check again.

[ Continues In Spanish ]
[Train Passing]
Oh, look, look.
This one was stuck in back here.

I don't understand.
It's my eyes, you know?

So old, not seeing
so good no more.

And that's why I buy Marisol
her glasses right away.

So she don't have no trouble
with her eyes like me.

But Marisol is a pretty girl.
Just think about my Marisol...

because I want her to have
a clever boy like you,
so you think about it.

I gotta pick up five bricks.
Yeah, yeah,
they already called.

Then why they ain't
ready yet?

Relax. It's 8:00 in the morning.
We ain't hardly woke up yet.

It's almost 8:45.
I'm late for school.

Oh, for joy! It's little Fresh,
our messenger to the gods.

My tag is for my friends.
You can call me Michael.

You know,
it's embarrassing...

Esteban using this ugly
little maricon for man's work.

It makes me sick.
What's embarrassing is,
all the work there is to do...

Esteban got you workin'
up here with the bitches,
that's what's embarrassing.

Damn! Ugly spotted
little motherfucker.
I'll fuck you up.

I'm all over these bitches, nigger.
Got me a harem here
like Arabian motherfuckin' shit.

You ain't all over me,

You be dead before
you touch this good thing,
fucking monkey.
