
- Damn, you be lookin'
almost white yourself.
- I am.

- Damn, why you buggin' out?
- My mother is white.

- Get outta here.
- She is. Straight up white.

Why she never come
to school, then?

She don't want you
'cause you’re black, right?

- Why don’t you live
with your mother?
- I do.

You live with your aunt,
with Hilary and Jewel
and all them others...

- so you can stop fronting
any time now.
- Shut up.

My mother's married
to a millionaire.

Word, she live
with Tarleak's old man,
with all them limos and shit.

She lives in Scarsdale.
She's got a big house.

Near as big
as this whole school.

You gotta go through a gate
and drive through a whole
forest just to get to it.

- What kind of car she drive?
- A sports car.

- What kind of sports car?
- I don't know. A Jaguar.

[ Scoffs ]
If I had me a million dollars,
I'd get me a Porsche 959.

I'd get me a sports car.
A Jaguar.

Damn, I'd get me
a Ferrari Testarosa, V-1 2 engine...

get me a Porsche 930,
straight six turbo engine...

get me a Vector B-1 2,
twin turbo...

go from zero to 60
in 7.8 seconds,
so don't even talk.

Yeah, well, who cares, 'cause
you ain't never gonna have
a million dollars anyway.

- I will too!
- Who's trippin' now?

Ain't nobody trippin'.
I'm gonna have it.

Someday, I'm gonna have it.
