
You got to come
get my king.

All these other pieces
are just a means to do it.

Every time you make a good
run at me, I just threaten
your queen and back you go.

You're treatin' her like
she's the last lady on earth.

Your queen is just a pawn
with a lot of fancy moves.
Nothing more.

When you see you're playin'
a man who feels naked
without his lady, use her.

J ump in there and take her,
tease her, threaten her...

and he won't be able to think
about his game anymore.

That's when you make
your real move.

That's good. That's better.
You like that horse, don’t you?

You like his crazy jumps
all over the board.

Think he's your friend,
hate to lose him...

almost as much as you hate
to lose that lady.

Well, he is your friend, boy.
They all are.
