I'd just like you to know
that I came back of my own free will.
As an S.A. I. C... I could have refused
this assignment. But I didn't.
S.A. I.C.? What is that?
Ma'am, you know what that is.
No, I really don't.
You do.
Don't tell me what I do and don't know.
That is not your place.
What is a "saic"?
S.A.I.C. Stands for
"special agent in charge."
Oh, I see. A special agent, are we?
And in charge, no less.
My, my, my.
You rarely meet someone who's
a secret agent who's also in charge.
And why is he in char ge?
Well. Because he's
so doggone special.
And you did not come back
of your own free will.
If you had a free will,
you'd be miles from here.
I have some very exciting
news for you.
I have an inoperable
brain tumor.
I have bought you and your men
a SCUD missile launcher.
We are going to the opera in Columbus.
Which of those do you think is true?
I would like to drive to Columbus
a week from Friday.
Yes, ma'am. May I say,
it is good to see you getting out again?
- Is it?
- Yes, ma'am.
Thank you, Douglas.
That's very patronizing of you.
I suppose you couldn't
care less about opera.
- No, ma'am, I couldn't.
- Of course not.
You're a typical,
red-blooded American male.
You'd probably rather watch the reruns
of "Mr. Ed" on television, wouldn't you?
Tell me.
If you had to choose
between opera and "Mr. Ed"...
I'd choose "Mr. Ed"
in a second.