However, the thing that gave
the tanuki a boost of courage was...
...hearing interviews with
the locals, who were fearful of curses.
``Maybe it wasn't such a great idea
to tear down the Suwa Temple.''
``What do you mean?''
``It must be the curse.
The temple god was punishing them.''
``If I remember, many jizo
and local deity statues were removed.''
``Well, we made offerings
and had a priest...
``...give blessings before asking
the statues if we could move them.''
``And what do you
say to this, Mizuki-sensei?''
``Those gods and Buddha
are the deities of this area.''
``When you move their statues, they
return and find their shelters missing.''
``It is not surprising that they are angry.''
``Wouldn't YOU expect
more curses and punishments?''
Maybe they won't
dig up Hikage Mountain.
Shoukichi and the others
commenced the next operation.
The absentee landlord
of Hikage Mountain,...
...who returned with
the lumber contractors muttered,...
``Did we have this many o-jizo statues
on my mountain?'' and shook his head.
And then he said, ``Maybe I should wait
and postpone signing the contract.''
Kumataro, the tanuki who stayed
in the temple in Umanose Mountain,...
...disguised himself as a white fox
from a well-known local legend...
...during one of the ritual prayers
to move the statues.
The voice of the white fox, which resembled a scream,...
...overwhelmed the hired priest
and the ceremony was canceled.
The parishioner
petitioned the authorities...
...to reconsider moving
the statues and the road project.
The tanuki really poured it on.