They must be the spirits
o' one o' the old homes!
Forgive us, forgive us, great spirit!
Ah, c'mon! Wait a minute!
It's not as bad as you think!
I'll pay you more! Huh? Please!
We cain't take this anymore!
We're goin' back home.
Ain't no way we're stayin'
in this creepy place!
Hey, don't say that!
C'mon, Suzuki-san...
I've heard Tokyo was a scary place,
but this is jus' too much!
You guys better stop developin'.
I don' know if it's a curse, but someone
don' want this construction t' happ'n.
At that moment,
the tanuki gave a roaring cheer.
That night, the celebration
was done in a truly grand style.
The heroes were, of course,
Okiyo of Mimikiri Mountain,...
...and Shoukichi of Kage Forest.
Now that the construction
barracks had been vacated,...
...it was as if the lights
had been snuffed out.
But the next morning...
It seemed that more
replacement humans were available.
After chasing the other humans off,
new faces appeared the very next day.
``It is rumored that the locals feel that
this is the work of tanuki and foxes.''
``Well, that makes it easy then!''
``We'll just eliminate the foxes
and tanuki causing the problems.''
Tension amongst the headquarter's
TV monitors rose after that.