Heisei tanuki gassen pompoko

It was loaded to the hilt
with exotic treasure...

...lacquered handrails, ornamented
golden posts bound for Heaven and Hell.

With voices ringing
and cheerful demeanor,...

...the ordinary tanuki,
dreaming of their heavenly destination,...

...boarded as though beginning a regular
voyage. It was such a sorrowful sight.

Under the shadow of the moon,...
...the treasure ship rocked and floated...
...gently down Tama River.
They were carried
along by the current,...

...as if being pulled along a set of tracks.
With the sail raised
and stretched taut by the wind,...

...they boarded the ship
for Nigitatsu and waited for the moon.

There was
much merriment onboard the ship...

...as it was propelled along by the tide.
Under the shadow of the moon, the
sounds of their beating belly-drums,...

...bells, shamisen, flutes,
taiko, and tanuki merriment,...

...continued throughout
that fantastic night.

The ship of ordinary tanuki,
loaded with gold, silver and coral,...

...slowly departed from the shore.
Although it was not the Mud Ship,...
...the tanuki left behind
could do nothing but weep.

The shimmering field of silver grass
seemed like a dream on a spring night.

They looked up at the Moon Bunny
as Amitabha beckoned them to paradise.

However, the more they strove towards
paradise, the closer they came to death.

With a ``doom doom,''
they sailed to their deaths.

The ordinary tanuki
sailed to their deaths.

It was a trip
from which they would never return.

And with a ``doom doom,''
they sailed to their deaths.

The poor tanuki
were on their way to death.

With a ``doom doom,''
they sailed to their deaths.

Oh, man.
We're no match for the humans.
