Yot-chan. It's Yot-chan!
That's us.
That's us as children.
Hey, look! Tanuki!
How cute.
They're tanuki, right?
There're still some around,
even in a place like this.
Wait, tanuki-san!
Aw, they're gone.
I wanted to give them some food.
I wonder if tanuki can really transform.
Afterwards, when we had lost the war,...
...the New Town development
continued without further incident.
As time passed,
the town gradually settled in,...
...and became an ideal place
for humans to live.
The mountain where Manpuku shrine
was, became a trendy residential area.
Furthermore, the fact that we
revealed ourselves to the humans...
...resulted in many unforeseen benefits.
The newspaper wrote articles proposing
ways for humans and tanuki to co-exist.
Later development converted
the remaining land into local parks.