[Rock 'N'Roll]
I never know where
I'm going to
Kinda takin'it
day by day
Day by day
Day by day
Day by day
Day by day
I'm not hanging out
at some wacko commune...
like a '60s leftover
waiting to get brainwashed.
No phones, no TV, no newspapers;
nobody will find us.
And it's not a commune.
It's, it's a colony.
A religious colony.
One of 300.
Well, rethink it, Peter.
The answer is no.
I don't wear tie-dye.
I don't do chants.
- I don't do the singing nuns.
- Okay, you got a better idea
where we could hide out?
Yeah. Pull over,
give me my half of the money.
I'll go to Hollywood where
nobody knows me for sure. Pull over!
No. I don't feel safe with you
out there loose. I don't trust you!
Don't want you around
Thinks you should be free
Thinks you drive me insane
I'm on my way
Never know where
I'm going
Just kinda takin'it
day by day
Day by day
Day by day
Day by day
Day by day...
[Radio Stops]
- This place looks like
a goddamned penal colony.
- Hey, stop swearin'.
It's not allowed here.
now you wait here.
Wait! Hey!