Holy Matrimony

- What do you mean I have to leave?
- Here. $100.

- We'll drive you to the bus stop.
It'll take you to the city.
- You can't just kick me out.

Nobody wants to kick you out,
but we have no choice.

As an outsider, you are
not allowed to remain here.

I know this seems harsh,
but it is the best.

The Hutterite way of life,
Havana, is not for you.

So I have to leave now
with this $100?

I'm sorry.
EzekielJakobson, it falls to you to perform
the duty of the brother-in-law. Ask her.

Let us get this
done with.

But, Uncle Wilhelm, I'm only
12 years old. I still hate girls.

- L-I'd much prefer a frog...
- Don't disgrace yourself in the eyes of God!

- Ask her, please.
- But I'd make a bad husband.

- Don't make me do this.
- You must, child!

It's the Lord's rules.
You must please Him.


Uh... will you...
Will you, um...

- Do you wanna...
- Go ahead, Ezekiel.

- Go ahead.
- Do you wanna... [Panting]

Do you... wanna marry...

You-You know what I mean.
I can't... I can't breathe. I can't breathe!

[Chuckles] You guys have been out
in the sun for too long.

You marry...

Do you wanna marry me
or not, you dumb pig?

Guys, I admit...

this is one goofy twist
on the whole boy-girl thing...

but let's not throw the baby out
with the bathwater, okay?

[Chuckles] If you would have told me
out on the street that the Bible...

is the happening book that I now think it is,
you could've knocked me over with a feather.

But, guys, I have seen the light.

I have been saved. So, if the only way
I could stick around here...

and soak up more of this religion stuff
is to get hitched to the little midget...

then count me in, honey.
My answer is yes.
