[Chickens Squawking]
Hey.! Where are you?
- [Squawking]
- [Screams]
You want this?
You've been tryin' to trick me,
just pretending to be a good wife.
But let me tell you something.
You're never going to get this...
- Yes!
- Money!
You little, fainting,
geeky creep!
I am this close to putting you
over my knee and giving you a spanking!
I hate being married to you.
I hate it! Any man would.
Then do something about it.
Gimme the money and I'm outta here.
One quick divorce and I'm
Havana What-Was-Her-Name.
- That sounds good but what's a divorce?
- It is a ticket out of hell.
- No, we can't have divorce.
- No, you sit!
Listen, you let me take the heat
on this one from Uncle Wilhelm, okay?
If I tell him I am a lousy wife
with lousy wifely skills...
and an overbearing sexual appetite,
he will cut us both a little slack.
Then you give me my money,
and I am gone. Deal?
Is it?
No, you got
to spit first.
Set it in.
Inside. Come on. Inside.
Come on.
Come inside.
Come inside.
Load it up.
Zeke, if I can be
a little bit critical here...