Listen to God.
- And return with God.
- I will, Mother.
Okay, now, when they ask you
why we're going to the States...
- what are you gonna say?
- We're going to return stolen money.
- That's an excellent answer.
- Thank you. I thought so too.
- It's excellent if you want to go to jail.
- What?
You say that, they're gonna figure you
were in on the robbery.
The first thing that they're gonna do
is burn your little hat.
And the second thing they're gonna do
is take your Bible away.
And the third thing
is the worst thing.
- What?
- Rats.
Rats in your face.
Rats all night long,
back and forth.
They seem to like faces more
than anything. They're bred that way.
They're called... face rats.
- Face rats?
- Mm-hmm.
So we're gonna have to lie
a little teeny bit.
Oh, I don't like to lie.
You like your face
to be eaten by rats?
Okay. What do I have to say?
Repeat after me. We are going to
visit family in Montana for the day.
We are going...
to visit family...
in Montana for the day.
- Welcome to U.S. Of A.
- Thank you. [Laughs]
- Anything to declare?
- Uh, we are visiting family in Montana.
We're visiting family
in Montana.
All right. I ain't deaf. I heard you
the first time. Anything to declare?
[Clears Throat]
Family... in Montana...
for the day.
Do you have anything
to declare?