We'll kick their ass!
We're Shaolin warriors.
My back is still sore
from yesterday, Dad.
The monks put these tattoos--
Don't speak ofthe tattoos.
Doyou hear me?
Don't breathe a word of it. I don't want
anyone to know you go to Shaolin.
Why not?
What's wrong with Shaolin?
Listen up! We keep it quiet
in public because you never know.
Any one ofthese people could be
a spy for the government. Got it?
You're afraid ofthe government?
Well, let'sjust say,
I don't want them
to confiscate all my wealth.
Because if they knew that
I was raising a little rebel...
that's the first thing they'd do,
take everything.
Let's keep everything
that happens...
in the Shaolin temple
between you and me, okay?
-All right.
-Let's get some ice cream.
Come on.
Excuse me.
How much are the pears?
-Two cents each.
-Give me two then, please.
Make it one.
No. My poor dead mother.
What am I gonna do?
Ting, I have to go in here
and talk to your uncle.
Stay out here and don't move
until I call you.