Wow! It's beautiful.
I don't know what to say.
Fork over the good stuff.
Okay, all right.
You don't need to get violent.
One for you, one for me, one for me,
one for you, one for me--
W-W-Wait! Don't try to sucker me.
Let's start over.
-If you say so.
-Wait! I want mine!
Chong wears a necklace.
It's absolutely priceless.
-Why are we arguing over these trinkets?
-Then we'll steal it.
-I know, but--
-But what?
We'll have to find a way
around his bodyguard.
Hello. How are you?
Doing laundry?
Like some candy?
Can I give you a hand?
Can you help me get these stains
out ofmy dad's underwear?
How areyou today?
Is there something I can do
for you, Miss... Red Bean?
I'd like to sew you a colorful
new robe, so just hold still.
I don't need a new robe.
But thank you anyway.
Oh, but I want you
to look nice.
For my wedding party.
It's very important to me.
I think you may be making
the collar too tight.
Okay, let's measure the sleeves.
Would you like me to measure
your inseam?
Mmm, careful with those.
I know what I'm doing.
Just leave it to me.
I'm afraid
I don't have the time.
Won't take but a moment.
-It's going to look wonderful.
-I disagree.