I'll fix it.
I'm a great seamstress.
Miss Red Bean,
I've heard many stories of...
a young woman in these parts
who's really a con artist.
I hope you're not accusing me.
It's unwise to make an enemy ofme.
Quit playing possum.
Why'd you do that?
We're friends now.
Just a little love bite.
If you're the young woman I've heard
about, then we are not friends.
How do you know?
We might really get along.
Don't play games.
As long as I am employed
in this house...
I will not stand by
and allow you to cause problems.
Oh, okay. If that's the way
you want it to be.
But what would you do...
if I were to steal something
from the master ofthe house?
-Don't force me to hurt you.
-Oh, I like that.
You're sexy when you talk tough.
You're gonna be fun. Ta-ta for now.
-What did she want?
Men act strange
around pretty women.
Their brains turn to mush
and they do weird things.
Watch yourself around her.
She's trouble with a capital "T."
You are wise...
beyond your years.
Well, Dad,
I just worry about you.
And when I used my kung fu on him,
he didn't stand a chance.