- Nice game.
- William Gates.
With continuing support
from Patricia Wier...
William is assured
that his entire education at St. Joe's...
will be free.
Arthur's family is paying
for half ofhis tuition...
and the increase comes
at an especially bad time.
Worked for Sara Lee, got laid off.
Uh, worked for Scala's Meat Packing.
Got laid off there. You know.
You look around your house,
you see your food getting low. Okay?
And you got your bills due here,
your bills due there.
I got called down to the office.
Brother Leo wanted to talk to me.
he was telling me about how much,
certain money my mama had to pay...
for me to stay in school.
They say if she don't have it by this time,
you gotta stay out till she pay it.
I was staying out, like,
two and three weeks and stuff.
By the end of the freshman year...
whatever balance there was for tuition
was never taken care of.
going into the sophomore year...
we had the balance
plus the new tuition...
so that it was going to continue
to become a problem.
Whatever scout that they have come out
to these different neighborhoods...
and scout out
these little basketball players...
and get 'em to come to their school
and offer them these scholarships.
Then once they get out there,
the story is totally different.
I was under the impression that Arthur would
have help as far as getting to school...
Arthur would have help
in getting his books.
But, see, none of that occur.
Finally, with the Agees
owing $ 1,500 in back payments...