It's mid-season
when Arthurjoins the sophomore team.
he was so depressed and devastated,
hejust closed himself off in the room.
I would go in there and tell him
every day, "hey, things will look up. '"
Coming off the bench,
Arthur wears number 11...
Isiah Thomas's number.
What kind of techniques were being used...
to take away the freedoms
that had been earned?
- Jeannetta.
- Poll tax.
Poll tax. Okay, Arthur,
what other techniques were used...
to keep black Americans from voting?
You could almost forget
about his being there.
That's how quiet he really was.
I think the transition
had something to do with it.
In comparing
Marshall high School to St. Joseph...
I don't think
that there is any comparison.
People can afford
to send their children there.
They can afford to put money
into the school.
Once they walk in those doors...
they walk in there to get that diploma
and to go on to college.
Whereas our students,
if they get out ofhigh school...
a lot of them,
it's an accomplishment.
Trinomial. What's this gonna be?
Both of these are what?
Ifhe wanna go back next year...
he gonna go back, if I have to beg.