The Trojans were led on the
court all season by 6'2'"sophomore guard...
Curtis Gates.
When he went to college,
and Michael Jordan first came to the NBA...
they would,you know, sit around and argue
over him- who could play the best.
Curtis was named Player
of the Decade at ColbyJunior College...
but he also developed a reputation
for being uncoachable.
Curtis's idea of being real good is...
you don't follow the rules,
you do what you wanna do.
Curtis finally signed
at the University of Central Florida...
but he didn't get along with the coach
and rarely played.
Even ifhe didn't play ball...
it was a nice university.
he could have finished school.
But he couldn't handle it.
Security. Can I help you?
I'm used to everybody
in the neighborhood loving me...
and knowing how good I can play.
It just seemed like people looked up
to Curtis Gates when
it came to basketball...
but now...
I'm just a regular old guy
on the street now.