Lao Quan, the place is deserted.
I'm still dizzy from drinking!
What happened? No one's left?
They've all run off.
How could that be?
The Reds must be on the attack.
- Shouldn't we run, too?
- Where to?
Wait right here.
Run now...
and you'll be shot.
Better to wait and become a POW.
The Reds send POWs home.
So, no running?
That's right.
You want to go home, don't run.
They won't shoot us?
Not as long as you've got your hands up.
This will do the trick?
Don't reach for your waist!
Do that and you're dead.
The Reds treat POWs well.
I've been one before.
Just put those hands up.
- The attack hasn't started.
- Let's put them down.