Mother died without knowing where I was.
The day...
we sang for the Liberation Army.
Suppose I was singing for her, too.
She never shut her eyes...
kept them fixed on the door,
so sure you'd be back.
You should have written.
I never thought I'd make it back alive.
I thought of you...
all the time and worried...
how you were getting by.
The new government
paid for mother's burial...
and gave me this job, delivering water.
I'm up before dawn.
Everyone wants water.
The more I deliver, the more I earn.
It's been hard on the kids.
They never get...
a good night's sleep.
How come Fengxia can't talk?
She was fine when I left.
She can't even say "Daddy."
In fact, she was lucky.
For a week, she ran a high fever.
No one thought she'd pull through.
When the fever came down...
she'd lost her voice.