You brought a bottle.
Dad, Mom, we're having a baby.
No wonder there's a bottle!
I just came from the hospital.
The doctor says it's due in autumn.
Fengxia's going to be a mother.
Fengxia, you're going to be a mother.
Erxi, when you went to the hospital today...
what did they say
about Fengxia's health?
That she's in terrific shape.
Still, you can't be too careful.
Your folks aren't around.
After the birth,
you'll stay with us for a while.
Spend as much time
as you can with her.
When I was pregnant with Fengxia...
her dad was never around.
He was very busy?
Don't bring up the past.
I was a real no-hoper.
But things are better now.
And will be better for your child.
Erxi, drink up.
Help yourself.
I had the photo framed.
We haven't taken a photo in years.
This is great.