Everything will be fine.
What's this about pushing?
Too early for pushing!
And what's this shouting? Out!
Go wait in the corridor.
Okay, we're going.
- Sorry for the trouble.
- It's our job.
Sit down.
They're all so young.
Are they nurses?
Who examined Fengxia?
They did.
You haven't seen any doctors?
Go ask where the doctors are.
We must find a good doctor.
They've been locked away.
The Red Guards are in control!
No doctors?
Comrade, are there any doctors?
Yes, us!
I mean, older ones.
They're all reactionaries.
We've overthrown them.
Relax. Your wife's fine.
We can handle this.
Erxi, I'm worried.
Fengxia's a mute.
Can these young people cope?
We need an experienced doctor.
Even if he only stands by,
we would relax.
Have to get one out.
Let me think.