What is he doing here?
No reactionaries allowed!
Wang Bin! Stand up!
This is the same Wang Bin
who once insulted...
me and my wife,
saying she wasn't fit to reproduce.
How vile can you get?
We dragged him here today...
to educate him, to criticize him...
and to let him witness her giving birth.
To show him the heirs
of this new, Red world.
The working class is really something!
Wang Bin, don't make any trouble.
Don't move.
I wouldn't dare.
That's professor Wang...
head of obstetrics.
Dr. Wang, don't be afraid.
I was putting on a show.
We're not accusing you.
My wife's having a baby.
I wanted you here for her sake.
No, it's better if I wear it.
Let me wear it!
Go ask.
I'm just going to see him.