- We already subscribe.
- Okay.
- Hello?
- Mrs Boggs, yes,
this is Sabrina Peterson...
with the Chicago Globe.
- Yes?
- Mrs Boggs, yes, I think we got
cut off. How are you tonight?
What do you want?
I was wondering if you're by any
chance related to the Ray Boggs
that works for Midrail.
- I'm his mother.
- And, uh, yes, that's what I thought.
And I wanted to know, uh, if you knew
about the train crash tonight.
I saw it on the news.
I called Ray right away.
You did. And, uh,
why is that, Mrs Boggs?
- Well, 'cause of his, um...
- 'Cause of his what, Mrs Boggs?
And we're back on Good Day, Chicago,
joined today by Peter Brackett...
famous columnist for
the Chicago Chronicle.
Peter's written his very first novel.
It's called White Lies,
and he's here to talk about it.
- Peter, first of all,
- Yes?
- I want to tell you...
that I could not put
your book down last night.
I have to ask you,
are you Ned Grayson?
Who's Ned Grayson?
- The main character, the detective!
- The detective, Ned Grayson.
Well, I would like to be Ned,
but I tell you...
Thank you.
Nice interview.
...how did you ever find time
to write a novel?
- Well, uh...
- Globe, please.
- I'll take a Globe.
A Globe.
- I'll take a Globe.
- Could I have a Globe?
- A Globe, please.
- You got any Globes left?
Hey, Cindy.