- Hi, Peter.
- I was coming back for more.
- Oh, are you?
- Hi.
- Back on the front page!
- Hi!
Pete, it's good
to see you, buddy.
I'm dyin' to read your book, man.
When's it comin' out on tape?
- I gotta get a drink.
- Where'd you disappear to, Smotherman?
I called your office a few months ago,
and they acted like you had the plague.
Oh, I know. I'm persona non grata.
Didn't you hear, man?
I'm working for the enemy now.
- Don't tell me a Democrat?
- A Democrat and a woman!
- Gayle Robbins. Do you know her?
- Oh, I know the name.
She's a state senator from Wisconsin.
Actually, she's a terrific lady.
She's super bright. And you know me.
I go where duty calls.
Plus she doubled my salary.
So, Pete, I'm in your book,
right? Come on.
Handsome senator's aide who slips
reporter names of corrupt lobbyists?
- I'm colourful. I'm bigger than life!
- No, Sam, somehow I left you out.
But I'm seriously considering
you for the sequel.
Sure you are. Oh, oh, what is
the story on this train wreck, Peter?
What do you hear? I mean, Midrail
got their ass in a sling, or what?
- Hey, what I hear, you read.
- Mm-hmm.
Speaking of duty calling.
My beautiful date Nadia has returned.
Nadia, old pal of mine,
Peter Brackett.
Nadia and I have met.
- Once.
- Well, you won't meet again.
AdiĆ³s, pal.
Keep in touch.