- Long line.
- Mmm.
So long, Brackett.
See ya in the funny papers.
Bon voyage.
Poplar Grove.
Poplar Grove.
Where is it?
Oi, it's far.
He sent me on
a wild-goose chase.
- Lindy, I will not be late.
- You don't understand.
No, I do!
I want the book to sell.
I promise I'll be the first
to arrive, the last to leave.
I'll see you in ten minutes.
- In five.
- Fine, five.
- Isn't she beautiful, huh?
- Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad. Thank you so much.
Nice camera work, Dad.
Bye, Mom.
So long, sweetie.
Don't call us.
- Goodbye.
- Bye-bye!
- Yep.
- Is this Miss Peterson from the Globe?
Uh, yes, it is.
What can I do for you?
My name's Danny Brown,
and me and my friends,
we lifted some stuff at the crash.