I Love Trouble

Hey, you're a legend.
It's amazing just being
in the same arena with you, really.

- You gonna be okay?
- Yeah.

I'm always okay.

- So long.
- Take care.

Where can I catch
the 7:15 to Spring Creek?

- Four-B.
- Thank you.

Excuse me.
I think you're in my seat.

Sorry, pal. Too early
in the morning, I guess.

- Morning paper?
- I'll take the Globe.
- I'll take the Chronicle.

I'll be right back with complimentary
orange juice and champagne.

- I'll just have the orange juice.
- I'll just have the champagne.

That was quite a performance
you gave last night.

- You weren't bad yourself.
- But the tears!

Brilliant, really.
Academy Award calibre.

Thank you.
I try.

By the way, our friend last night was
a pro recruited out of South America.

How do you know?
I have friends in low places.
As I said, Peterson...
