That music affected me like
none I had ever heard before.
And as for Beethoven...
I was soon overcome.
I feared I might faint.
Oh. I didn't see you.
I have to go back.
Oh, you are leaving me
to listen to that ass...
who plays like a kitchen maid,
all clipped and staccato.
This music is beautiful.
I was told that the Viennese
had superior taste.
Clearly in your case,
it is not true.
You must be Julia Guicciardi.
I hear there's quite a contest
for your charms.
Sir, you're rude and otfensive.
I'm leaving.
- Do you play the piano?
- What?
I intend to be your teacher.
I shall call tor you
tomorrow at 10:00.
You shall be barred trom the house.