I wiII finish it.
Now Ieave us.
Can't you pretend, you fooI?
Don't give the game away.
We're Iucky to have such a home.
Pretend to drink, at Ieast.
Such fine crystaI shouIdn't go to waste.
I know.
It gets coId so quickIy.
We can Iive Iike this?
On animaI bIood?
I wouIdn't caII it Iiving. CaII it surviving.
UsefuI trick if you're on a ship for a month.
There's nothing in the worId
now that doesn't hoId some....
-I'm bored with this prattIe.
-We can Iive without kiIIing.
It's possibIe.
Anything is possibIe.
But just try it for a week.
Come into New OrIeans and Iet
me show you some reaI sport.
Lestat killed two, sometimes three a night.
"A fresh" y"oung girl..."
...was his favorite for
the first of the evening.
For seconds, he preferred a gilded,
"beautiful" y"outh."