PIease, wake Mama, "Monsieur".
My phiIosopher. My martyr.
''Never take a human Iife.''
This caIIs for a ceIebration.
There's stiII Iife in the oId Iady yet.
Come back!
You are what you are!
MercifuI death.
How you Iove your precious guiIt.
"Her blood coursed in m"y "veins..."
...sweeter than life itself.
And, as it did, Lestat's words
made sense to me.
"I knew peace onl"y "when I killed."
When I heard her heart in that terrible
"rh"y"thm, I knew what peace could be."
AII I need to find you, Louis,
is foIIow the corpses of rats.