Interview with the Vampire

But I can't hate you, Louis.
Louis, my Iove.
I was mortaI tiII you...
...gave me your immortaI kiss.
You became my mother and my father.
And so I'm yours forever.
But now it's time to end it, Louis.
Now it's time to Ieave him.
He wiII never Iet us go.
What is it now? You irritate me.
Your very presence...

...irritates me!
Does it?
I found someone who'II be a
vampire better than you both!

Is that supposed to frighten me?
You're spoiIed,
because you're an onIy chiId.

You need a brother.
Or I do.
I'm weary of you both.
I suppose we couId peopIe
the worId with vampires...

...the three of us.
Oh, not you...
:56:33 IittIe CIaudia.
You're a Iiar.
But you upset my pIans.
What pIans?
I came to make peace with you.
Even though you're the father of Iies...
...I want things to be as they were.
Stop pestering me then.
I must do more than that.
