Bloody Marys, she made.
White Russians . . .
- But she had a great personality.
- So did lmelda Marcos.
- She produced a nice son, right?
- You're okay.
- He's got it, huh?
- Yeah, a couple of years.
He's really starting to go downhill.
In and out of hospital . . .
What a world ! We should appreciate
every moment, not be spiteful.
- I know just what you mean.
- Yvonne!
Speaking of which . . .
What I have is a bill for $9.53.
What I do not have is the $9.53!
- He went to get his wallet . . .
- Never let them out the door!
- What is this, a soup kitchen?
- I made a mistake.
You sure did ! The $9.53 comes out of
your cheque. Bring me some coffee.
Let me!
- Now that's coffee!
- So, what'll it be?
- They're right there . . .
- Amazing, but true.
- We've no cantelope or grapefruit.
- l'm not hungry.
The thing is . . .
I got something for you.