Hi !
Hi . . . Can you break a 20?
Repeat after me:
"Keep the change."
- Keep the change.
- Thank you.
- Oh my God, the boat!
- Oh, no! Wait!
l suppose your wife is . . .
She's in her element. Stockbrokers,
accountants. She'll enjoy it.
- What about you?
- I hate boats. l'm relieved.
- I think this is sturgeon.
- Definitely not.
- lt's like velvet.
- Scottish salmon. The very best.
More champagne?
- lt's not bad, for a Californian.
- You're not kidding. Fooled me.
- This is living.
- And it's just beginning.
- You can say that again !
- And it's just beginning.
Thank you.
lt's a pleasure to have you here.
A cocktail? Some champagne?
Champagne? Champagne.
- You decided not to be an actress?
- I decided to become a waitress.