It Could Happen To You

Muriel and I met in high school,
in one of those cooking classes -

- where the boys dress like chefs.
And there might be a fire drill . . .

- And you're outside in your aprons?
- Exactly. Even now, I get chills.

Anyhow, we started dating, and . . .
Muriel was the first girl I ever . . .
- Oh. Well, that's sweet.
- I guess.

We went to get the marriage licence,
and there was this other couple . . .

Orthodox Jews.
It was an arranged marriage.

They weren't allowed to see each
other. They couldn't get a glimpse.

And I thought, "They don't
even know if they're attracted."

"They don't know if they've
got anything to talk about."

Now, ten years later, I bet they're
happily married with six kids.

But Muriel and I have nothing
to say. I don't know what happened.

We're on two different channels.
I'm CN N , she's "Home Shopping".

How would you feel about dancing?
