- Too soon?
- No, not at all.
Okay, great. l'll have
Carol watch the register, -
- and you could pick me up at noon?
l'll be there.
Weirdest thing happened.
I thought l'd dropped my wallet.
Weirdest thing happened.
I came out because I felt seasick.
Weirdest thing happened . . .
- I have some ideas for you . . .
- Weirdest thing happened.
- I have some ideas for you . . .
- Weirdest thing happened.
Wasn't the veal fabulous?
That was what was so weird.
I expected chicken.
l would have come sit with you,
but Mr. Gross . . .
Jack Gross.
Pleased to meet you, Officer.
He's going to help us develop
an economic strategy.
- What a great idea.
- She's some girl. Smart.
Beautiful . . .
And she knows what she wants.
- See?
- I agree.
Thank you very much for a
very stimulating evening, Mr. Gross.
- lf you ever need any advice . . .
- I will be calling.
- I got to get my coat.
- Bye-bye.