Let me!
- Now that's coffee!
- So, what'll it be?
- They're right there . . .
- Amazing, but true.
- We've no cantelope or grapefruit.
- l'm not hungry.
The thing is . . .
l got something for you.
- For me?
- lt's just a trifle.
May l?
lt's a string for your glasses,
so they hang around your neck.
So you'll know where they are.
At all times.
This is . . . the nicest thing
anyone's ever gotten me.
- l certainly hope not.
- lt's close.
You sure l can't get you anything?
Decaf, please.
l've reached my target heart rate.
Decaf it is!
- So . . . You've had bad luck?
- Unbelievable!
When l was eleven,
my dog died of parvo.