Father's bonsai tree.
What a great idea.
Just blame it on Cho.
- OK.
- Aah!
I'll try to keep
your father distracted.
What do you think of this?
Boy, that looks great.
Great. I'm a genius.
Excuse me.
May I have a word?
Just a second.
Of course.
I can wait.
What is it, dear?
- Come.
- What?
Come on.
Just one minute.
Can't this wait?
I'm busy right now.
I'm sorry.
I couldn't wait
any longer to tell you:
Fei-Hong is all grown up now.
Someday, he will leave our house.
- What?
- Oh, you know...
how cute he was
when he was little.
But why is it wet?
Let me tell you.
I'm glad you asked.
Because it was just
picked this morning.
You're really going
to enjoy the potency
of this one.
It's really powerful.
You just need
a little bit.
A little brother around here
could take his place.
We can talk
about this later.
Don't be rude.
Please, or I will
never forgive you.
You shouldn't talk
that way to me.
Well, you never
let me talk.
Honey, not now.
Mr. Chan-
Dont you turn
your back on me.
OK. Fold it up tight
to keep it
nice and fresh
and keep it close
to your heart-
Like that.
Remember what I told you
and have a nice day.
Yes. I really do think
we need to talk
about this now.
Master Wong?
Thanks for the ginseng.
Ah. Everything
is all right?
Just fine.
- I'll keep it inside.
- He liked it.
Let me see you out.
Let Fei-Hong do it.
I can show you.
Please, this way.
- Bye-bye, now.
- Good-bye, Mr. Chan.
Anyway, as I was saying
before Mr: Chan interrupted us,
it's time you
thought about this:
I don't know what
you're trying to tell me.
Mother, Mr: Chans gone:
Oh, thank God.
What's this all about?
Look, if you don't want
to talk about this
right now, I understand.
You've had
a really long trip,
and you should get some rest.
Come on.
Let's sit down.
Yes, Father.
Please take a rest.
It's a good idea.
I better start taking
better care of myself.
I need to realize
I'm not getting any younger.
Well? Why do you
make that look?
Because I'm afraid
he'll find the tree.
Don't be silly.
Throw the pot away.
That's not all.